EcoTensil is a finalist for the 2021 World Dairy Innovation awards in two categories -- Best Packaging Design and Best sustainability/CSR initiative
EcoTensil is a finalist for the 2021 World Dairy Innovation awards in two categories -- Best Packaging Design and Best Sustainability/CSR initiative.
The winners in all 20 categories will be announced as part of a special virtual ceremony hosted in association with the Global Dairy Congress live on YouTube on June 23 at 6pm (BST) 2021.
Read more about all of the finalists for the 2021 World Dairy Innovation Awards 2021.
Solution Name:
AquaDot™ EcoSpoon® by EcoTensil for packaging and food service is a finalist for the Best Sustainability/CSR initiative. The flexible, foldable paperboard EcoSpoon is a perfect replacement for the folded plastic-spoon for top cups on dairy yogurts and parfaits.
Solution Description:
A sturdy, verified plastic-free paperboard utensil integrated with single-serve diary packaging eliminating the plastic utensil AND the plastic top-cup!
In one simple fold, our flat and compact cutlery transforms into the most fun, award-winning, sustainable, brand able, SUPD-compliant utensils on the planet.
EcoTensil invented the first commercial paperboard spoon over 12 years ago and we’ve been innovating paperboard cutlery ever since. The “multi-tensil” EcoSpoon comes in various lengths, as well as wrapped and folded, to fit in any to-go container.
Our new compostable, recyclable, plastic-free AquaDot paperboard cutlery meets the SUP Directive and is long lasting for full servings, the idea alternative to disposable plastic-cutlery. With one simple “bend to touch dots™” fold, the compact EcoSpoon becomes a sturdy scoop. The foldable EcoSpoon offers a pleasing sensory experience that complements the food. It is significantly smoother than dry wooden cutlery which can detract from the flavour experience of the food.
EcoSpoons come standard in 3, 4, and five inch and are available folded, wrapped, and TabLocked for sanitary applications in small spaces, such a dome lids (top cups). Pre-folded EcoSpoons allow for quick and easy insertion into single-serve packaging.
AquaDot EcoSpoon can be custom designed, branded and die-cut to fit into various parts of a package or over-wraps. The possibilities are endless.
Photo: Folded, wrapped AquaDot EcoSpoon 4
Solution Name:
Sustainable Grab-and-Go solution with TabLock© EcoSpoon by EcoTensil® integrated with TaraPlus cup.
Solution Description:
Sustainable Grab-and-Go solution to eliminate plastic utensil AND top-cup for to-go fresh foods by Liechtenstein-based food packer, Hilcona, including dairy-based Bircher Muesli.
Solution Description:
EcoTensil, the famously sturdy paperboard utensils loved by foodies since 2010, replaces ament for full-sized folded plastic utensil in TaraPlus’s single-serve cup. The new TabLock is integrated under a the single-serve 100% recyclable, with R-PET 90%PCW fresh food cup, under a thin film; eliminating no need for a plastic utensil, plastic wrap, AND theOR plastic top-cup!
The challenge for EcoTensil and Swiss packaging firm, TaraPlus (previously known as Taraplast), was to devise an unprecedentedly more sustainable yet enticing satisfying customer experience for safe and spontaneous fresh dairy food consumption on-the-go.
The new EcoTensil TabLock™ is designed for high speed automation. feature allows the EcoSpoonIt to comes compactly folded and locked closed, neatly soldier stacked, so it can be mechanically for failsafe inserted insertion by TaraPlus into a compartment in their specially designed compartments at high speeds cups.
The consumer just unfolds and “bends to touch dots”™”, and voila, the transformation into a sturdy, pleasing spoon is complete.
The paperboard used to make EcoTensil GreenDot and line is compostable, recyclable and FSC certified. EcoTensil’s new AquaDot materials is similar to athe material used to make coffee cups, but verifiedwithout any plastic-free and SUPD compliant. With one simple “bend to touch dots™” fold, the compact EcoTensil becomes a sturdy scoop. The foldable
EcoSpoon® offers a pleasing sensory experience that complements the food. It is significantly smoother than dry wooden cutlery which can detract from the flavour experience of the food.

Photo: Hilcona milk-based Bircher Muesli package and close up of Hilcona Bircher Muesli cup with GreenDot TabLock EcoSpoon.
"In times of zero waste movements, Hilcona AG would like to continuously offer its customers sustainable strategies to avoid waste," explains co-packer Hilcona project manager, Barbara Held.
By replacing the on-package folded plastic spoon on their take away deli dairy products and replacing it with the 100% compostable and recyclable GreenDot EcoSpoon, TaraPlus’s customer, Hilcona, expects to remove aprox 3.5 tons of single-use plastic waste annually.
Read more about HIlcona's replacement of folding plastic spoons with the plastic-free, SUPD-compliant paperboard EcoSpoon by EcoTensil.
"In times of zero waste movements, Hilcona AG would like to continuously offer its customers sustainable strategies to avoid waste," explains Hilcona project manager, Barbara Held.
"We want to take responsibility and actively protect our natural habitat", Hilcona project manager Barbara Held is quoted in the communication.
"That's why we questioned our Hilcona to-go packaging concept and, in the interests of the environment, decided to do without existing plastic disposable cutlery."
Learn more about EcoTensil's SUPD-compliant cutlery for single-serve packaging.