
  • Customers praised how much easier they are to use for eating, so much better than other tasting spoons, especially the little plastic ones.
    They were wholeheartedly supportive!

    Chris, Demo Specialist at Whole Foods, River Street

  • We LOVE EcoTasters!
    We use them at all our tasting events
    and get great comments about them. 'Wow! these are neat!'

    Brown Dog Mustard Co.

  • The customer response to EcoTaster was overwhelmingly
    positive and the demo specialists absolutely loved them.

    Melissa Taverse, Demo Program Coordinator, Whole Foods Market

  • We use EcoTasters at trade shows to sample
    our liquid omega products. We love them!
    They are eco friendly, very compact and sanitary.

    Connie Taylor, Vitamer/VitaCeutical Labs (Nexgen Pharma)

  • Once the team got used to the EcoTasters,
    they found many efficiencies, including sanitary concerns.
    They’re a delight to use.
    Customers and demo people love them.

    Mouco Cheeses

  • The spoons were great to get all the bits
    at the bottom of the cup
    after tasting the soup from the cup.

    Demo specialist at Costco Northern California

  • Your product is revolutionary
    and will make a difference in the world!

    Michelle Moeller, Quality Specialty Pharmacy

  • Ecotasters actually help draw people to our booth.
    They create a buzz and interest that attracts more and more customers.
    We love that our customers love the EcoTasters and
    we'll never switch back!

    Jessica Rogers, Sales & Marketing, Helen’s Kitchen & Organic Bistro

  • LOVE your product and receive tons of compliments
    on their design and function.
    We run an artisanal cheese shop and some of my cheesemakers
    are also using them at the farmers markets

    Cheeses and Mary

  • EcoTasters are absolutely the best invention we have seen.
    It allows us to sample our product while being very clean.
    We sample our cheeses and spreads without crackers,
    allowing the customer to taste the product only!

    Stephen McKeon, Sugar Brooks

  • We love using the EcoTaster for our demos —
    not only does it reinforce our commitment to sustainability
    but they also make for great talking points to engage our customers.

    Sharon, Vermont Farmstead Cheese Coop

  • Ecotensil sampler spoons are a huge hit at our store —
    customers, staff, everyone, including the environment,
    is so thankful for your product!
    Best wishes!

    Julie Robinson, Demo Coordinator, Brattleboro Food Coop

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