Sampling Returns to Food Shows like ANUGA and TuttoFood 2021 but with New Regulations
Food service and retail shows are finally making a come back in the second half of 2021 but there are new rules and regulations in place for for food sampling at shows like Anuga and TuttoFood. Self-service food sampling won't be returning anytime soon. Instead, servers must now hand out samples to show attendees, including both wrapped and "unwrapped" samples as outlined at the upcoming Anuga food show in Cologne, Germany.
Food manufacturers rely on food shows and sampling to show buyers and consumers how delicious and innovative their food products are. In order to preserve the important experience of food sampling, show organizers have put safeguards in place so buyers and consumers can feel good about sampling safely.
Taking time now to prepare a sampling program for your stand at food shows will help ensure that you are following the show and city/convention center regulations and guidelines. This will allow your hygienic food samples to be trusted and enjoyed despite the ongoing pandemic.
What are the new VISIT SAFE regulations for Anuga '21?
Masks and hand sanitizer will be show staples at the Cologne Messe in October. Disinfectants must be provided at each stand; surfaces must be cleaned regularly after each business meeting. Read more about new safe and hygienic practices at Anuga.
Safer Sampling Utensils
During the COVID pandemic, sanitary dispensing has become even more imperative when offering food samples to buyers and consumers. Its important that visitors to your booth feel good about your food samples and safety protocols.
Having servers repeatedly reaching into a big bag or box of loose wood or plastic spoons is not safe food service protocol, even with gloves on. Watch our short video on safe sample utensil dispensing dispensing at your booth.
Hygienic benefits of EcoTaster paper tasting spoons:
- Servers only touch handle end of EcoTasters.
- No touching the spoon end that people put in their mouths (as with a big container of plastic utensils).
- 500 utensils included in an ultra compact cube.
- Read more about EcoTasters
- Order Online and use promo code ANUGA21 for 10% OFF your order of up to 3 cases of EcoTasters shipped from our warehouse in NL.
Another important change to food shows in the EU, is compliance with the new Single-use Plastics Directive which went into effect July 3, 2021.
Sneeze Guards can provide additional protections for your food samples
Durable plexiglass sneeze guards can help attendees feel good about your food samples.

The new EcoTensil SafeServe is like a mini sneeze guard for touchless hygienic sampling.
It’s made from clear plexiglass so the sample shows beautifully. The bottom tray easily slides out for server to place a fresh sample or two or three, handle facing customer. The server slides the tray under the SafeServe and the customer can pick the sample up by the EcoTaster’s handle from their side of the SafeServe.
Portable mini sneeze guard for stunning and safe food sampling
- Shows your sample cleanly, clearly, and elegantly.
- Slide out tray is a snap to wipe clean and reload.
- Small and portable, easily fits in your sampling area.
- Customers will feel comfortable trying your samples under the SafeServe.
- Face handle of EcoTaster towards customer, or use a cup and EcoTaster.
The server can pull the try back out and quickly and easily wipe and reload. Contact us for a pricing and shipping quote for the EcoTensil SafeServe.
Safe and hygienic tasting spoon dispensing

Plexiglass utensil dispensers allow for servers to touch just one utensil at a time, while keeping the rest clean. They’re ideal for dispensing EcoTasters, iScoops or EcoSpoons in a safe and secure manner.
Keep your GreenDot EcoTasters clean, tidy and easy for staff and customers to use.
- Easy loading into slide-out tray.
- Holds approximately: 500 EcoTaster Mini, EcoTaster Mid, EcoSpoon4 or Eco-iScoops
- U.S. Made
- Request shipping quote from the U.S.
Enjoy 10% OFF your order of up to 3 cases of GreenDot EcoTaster Mini or Mid with promo code Anuga21. We shipped throughout the UK and Europe from our distribution center in Rotterdam, NL.
Learn more about SUPD-compliant compostable, recyclable GreenDot EcoTasters and why they're more sanitary and safe during COVID.